If you and your partner are struggling in your marriage, couples therapy might be the necessary next step to saving your relationship. However, if English is not your native language, you might be reluctant to seek therapy in fear that you cannot find Spanish-speaking marriage counseling.
This, fortunately, is not the case in Central Arkansas. At the Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center, we offer bilingual couples counseling so that we can help you work on your marriage. Keep reading for more information on how a bilingual marriage counselor in Little Rock can help so you can decide whether bilingual therapy for couples is the right choice for you and your spouse.
Bilingual Marriage Counselor: A Rare Find and Rich Commodity
According to data from the 2016 Census, people of Hispanic origin make up approximately 18% of the U.S. population. This makes Hispanics the country’s largest racial or ethnic minority. Yet, only 5,000 or so psychologists practicing in the United States are Hispanic, with only 5.5% of all psychologists offering services in both Spanish and English.
Bilingual counselors are a rare find, and this is a troubling fact, as language is a huge limiting factor in access to worthwhile, quality care. In a study published in Psychological Services in 2016, Spanish-speaking clients claimed they did not feel comfortable sharing their personal information with a therapist that only spoke English. As a result, these clients do not receive adequate care for their needs. Thus, having a bilingual marriage counselor in Little Rock is a rich commodity for those who live in the area.

Common Relationship Challenges
Having issues in your partnership does not necessarily mean your relationship is doomed or damaged beyond repair. No matter the language they speak, all couples feel disconnected from one another at some point, even when they’ve been together for years.
When you first meet your partner, it can be easy to see life through the filter of a new and exciting relationship rather than looking forward to a future full of busy careers and taking care of chores at home. The reality is that all long-term partnerships eventually face and struggle with the dull, stressful truth of routine, and nurturing a strong connection is often difficult when you are overwhelmed by the day-to-day struggles of life.
Dealing with life’s stresses can make it hard to communicate with your partner in a healthy manner. When you’re not feeling connected to your loved one, you may begin to feel as if you can’t trust them. As a result, you will be less likely to be honest and open about your feelings. This is where couples therapy can help.
If you find yourself in this situation, you (like everyone else) are likely just trying to communicate your needs with the tools you’ve been given. Generally speaking, you are most likely repeating the patterns and coping skills that you have seen in those around you as you’ve grown up—even if those patterns and skills are unhealthy. This isn’t your fault, though; you likely weren’t taught how to express yourself in a healthy, productive way. Fortunately, with bilingual couples therapy, we can help you work on these skills so you and your partner can relate to one another and communicate in a healthier, more productive manner.
Doubts About Bilingual Therapy for Couples
Many will shy away from seeing a marriage counselor due to the fact that they do not feel comfortable talking about their private issues with a stranger. Don’t let this be the case with you!
Talking about your emotions, especially those that are unpleasant, is challenging to do. However, by not acknowledging those feelings and instead of burying them, we hurt ourselves as well as the connection we have with those around us.
Bilingual couples counseling is a safe, judgment-free zone where you can be vulnerable and practice sharing your emotions. Our counselors are here to offer you support so you and your spouse can move forward together.
How Can Bilingual Couples Therapy Help?
It’s not uncommon for a couple to start a simple conversation only to find themselves in a screaming match moments later. This happens sometimes, even when you have no idea how you came to this place.
Most relationships have an experience like this at some point in time. This is why seeking help from a trained professional is so important. A therapist provides an outside point of view that can objectively find the origin of any overwhelming or unmanageable feelings you may be having. Then, you can begin to understand your feelings in addition to your partner’s.
We can help you strengthen the foundation for a relationship to have a solid, long-lasting connection. No matter how bad things can seem at times, we can help you rebuild your relationship. Let our bilingual marriage counselor help you. Together, we can work through the challenges you’ve faced and return to the trust, love, and care that your relationship was originally built on.
Psicólogos Hispanos Near Me
Searching for a bilingual marriage counselor in Little Rock is the first step of your journey in saving your marriage. Love is not ruled by any language, and counseling should not be either. If a couple is willing to make the decision to commit to couples therapy, they deserve to receive effective counseling, despite whatever language they speak. It’s time to feel close with your partner once again.
If you want to reconnect to your partner, we invite you to call us at 501-222-3463 for a free consultation, or contact us online. We provide both English- and Spanish-speaking marriage counseling, in addition to our telehealth counseling services. If you have any questions about our therapists or our approach, one of our trained professionals at Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center will be happy to assist you!