Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center Blog

Understanding Why Affairs Happen and the Aftermath of Cheating
It is often said that cheating is a symptom of something else that’s wrong in a marriage. While that can certainly be true, it’s not always the case, and allowing this belief to settle unchecked into our collective subconscious can make it even more painful and...

Social Media & Marriage: Setting Boundaries
Roughly three-quarters of adults in relationships use social media, but how does social media affect relationships? Sometimes positively — sometimes very negatively. In fact, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reports one-third of divorce filings have...

The Top 5 Benefits of Family Therapy
Family therapy is a healthy decision that can bring your family into a safe environment to better understand and appreciate one another. Here are the top five benefits of family therapy and the ways that the Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center can help you...

When Enough Is Enough: How Do Partners Decide to End Couples Therapy?
Marriage counselors are trained to help couples create successful marriages. Couples therapists know what to look for in healthy relationships and can help couples achieve lasting results. When partners have problems, they usually just need some redirection to renew...

Affair Recovery: Forgiveness Doesn’t Happen Overnight
Post-infidelity, you and your partner are facing a long and difficult journey, filled with strong emotions and challenging questions. If you have chosen to forgive your spouse following an affair, seeking the advice and care of a couples therapist can help. A...

Do You Need Couples Therapy or Solo Therapy?
Deciding to attend marriage counseling can be the first step towards improving, or in some cases, saving a romantic relationship. Sometimes both parties are having trouble agreeing on whether or not counseling is needed, both are not willing to admit that it may be...

Why Listening is The Most Powerful Tool in Relationships
Listening is essential to all good communication. Not listening effectively means you can easily misinterpret a message, breaking down communication in the process. Good listening skills benefit our personal lives, including helping us to do well at work, at school,...

7 Ways to Teach Your Kids about Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a powerful tool that leads to a sense of peace, and can be helpful in many areas of your life. Like Buddha once said, “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison, and expecting the other to die.” Being attached to negative emotions like anger and...

Newlyweds: What to Do When the Honeymoon Phase Wears Off
Every art form has capitalized on our heightened fascination with the passion that comes from love at first sight. Romantic movies and even cartoons seek to find ways of portraying your beating heart and widening eyes during those initial moments of bliss in a...

How Bickering Could Be What Saves Your Marriage
Bickering is a normal part of every marriage. The important thing is to be sure you are also communicating effectively. Learn how to identify healthy bickering versus arguing that signals a bigger relationship problem. Bickering Can Lead to Greater Understanding When...