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Family vacations are memory-making experiences that can last a lifetime. Read on to learn more about how to plan a great getaway your whole family will enjoy, and why this family time is so important.

The school year is a busy time for everyone, but the summer gives your family a chance to spend quality time together. However, if money is tight or things are busy, the much-needed family vacation gets pushed to the side. According to many experts, family vacations can make a great addition to family therapy and are much more effective at creating healthy bonds between parents and children when compared to simply giving a child gifts or spending money on them.

Plan Ahead: Include Everyone

You should involve as much of the family as possible in planning your family getaway. Listen to all input and take all considerations into account. Put together a general itinerary of things you want to do each day while away. It is a good idea to have a packing day and a list of all needed items so you do not forget something important. Do not wait until the last minute to get everything ready, as this will only cause unnecessary stress.

Do Not Over Plan

Although it is important to plan your vacation days at least in part, your kids, and you, still need some downtime to relax. Therefore, keep some unscheduled time in the itinerary for each day of your vacation. This will give you some time to allow your kid’s imagination to come alive and be spontaneous, their bodies to rest, and your bond as a family to be strengthened.

Set Realistic Expectations for Kids

Your kids will likely say they want to go visit the ultra-popular amusement park. However, understand that their enthusiasm will be somewhat tempered after riding in a car for hours on end. They probably will not enjoy the long lines that are sure to go along with popular tourist attractions very much either. Therefore, it is a good idea to communicate to them what to expect. Brainstorm together on ways to make the travel time as well as waiting time more bearable.

common family therapy issues

Create a Plan “B”

If all works out perfectly, no one will get sick, it will not rain, the sun will shine, and all will be right with the world. However, since real-life happens, even on vacation, it is smart to create a Plan “B” for your family vacation activities. On a rainy day, plan crafts or board games to help keep children happy and entertained.

Family Counseling Little Rock AR

At Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center, we address many common family therapy issues in our family therapy sessions. In addition to these healthy and restorative sessions, we recommend family vacations as a way to continue to strengthen your family unit and trust the tips above have helped you as you plan your next respite. Contact us today by calling (501)-222-3463 to learn more about how our counseling sessions can improve the overall health of your family and can be used in conjunction with family vacations to create better family relationships.

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