Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center’s, Charlie Simpson to give relationship advice on THV 11.
Little Rock, Arkansas – As one of the leading relationship counselors in Arkansas, Charlie Simpson offers quality advice to as many couples as possible. Since 2013, he has been hosting relationship counseling segments on THV 11, teaching the principles of a lasting marriage to viewers all over the Little Rock area. As his latest contribution to this effort, he has his next segment on Friday, January 26th explaining how to deal with baggage in a relationship.
Simpson is the founder and clinical director of the Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center, as well as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. His goal has been to strengthen marriages and other relationships by focusing on the pain points that couples often have trouble getting past. In doing so, he takes a nonjudgmental, compassionate approach, seeking to understand and address each individual’s needs systematically.
Having achieved positive results for his own clients, Simpson hoped to extend his skills and knowledge to those who had not taken the initiative to seek his help. Thus in December of 2011, he began hosting regular segments on Fox 16, addressing a new relationship topic each week. In October of 2013, he started hosting similar segments on THV 11, allowing him to reach broad segments of the population.
Simpson will make his next appearance on THV 11 on January 26th at 6:10 AM. “In my next segment, I will be discussing relationship baggage, or issues that couples bring into their relationships,” said Simpson. “These can include feelings of being overwhelmed, stress, and a range of other challenges.” His viewers will be taught how to manage these strains, helping them prepare for some of the most common threats to modern relationships.
About Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center
Simpson and the ARCC team seek to give all couples in Arkansas the knowledge and skills they need to manage their relationships effectively. By teaching viewers how marriage counseling works and how best to apply that knowledge in their own lives, they empower them to meet the greatest challenges head-on and stay together for the long haul. For more information on relationships visit or call 501-222-3463 to learn more