How to Keep the Spark Alive in Romantic Relationships Year Round
We all fall victim to it. We’re tired, we’re stressed out, we’re feeling hopeless – things like this (and more) can ultimately contribute to a gap in the ways we’re connecting to our partners. At Arkansas Relationship Counseling, we know better than anyone what it’s...
Is It Possible to Maintain a Healthy Relationship with an Addict?
When your partner is an addict, especially if he or she is not in treatment or recovery, it can be difficult to have a healthy relationship. However, before you throw in the towel, Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center is here to tell you that with help, it is...
Checklist: Is Your Relationship Ready for The Next Step?
Your relationship with your significant other is special: the things you enjoy about one another, the places where the connection is natural, and the areas you have to work at understanding one another are unique. Still, there are common signs that may help you decide...
The Difference Between Being Controlled and Accepting Your Partner’s Influence
Many people do not recognize the difference between accepting influences from their partner and being controlled. Because of that, it is easy to miss the warning signs and suddenly find yourself trapped in an unhealthy and manipulative relationship. If you were to...