Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center Blog
Marital Counseling Expert Charlie Simpson Offers Advice On Baggage
Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center’s, Charlie Simpson to give relationship advice on THV 11. Little Rock, Arkansas - As one of the leading relationship counselors in Arkansas, Charlie Simpson offers quality advice to as many couples as possible. Since 2013, he...
Negative Relationship Habits – The Four Horseman
Dr. John Gottman says that there are four poor communication habits that if exhibited over time, can increase your chance for divorce. Those four horseman of the apocalypse include criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and shutting down during conflicts. To read more,...

Conflict and Relationships IQ Test
Conflict is something we all have to face. The outcomes depend on how we handle the conflict. How well do you understand how conflict affects the relationships with the people you love. Take this quick quiz and review your answers. 1. People with heart rates above 90...

SMA: Social Media Affection
We’ve all seen them, someone, at some point on our newsfeed, has posted a Facebook status, Snapchat, or an Instagram post showing a couple enjoying a romantic candlelit dinner with the caption “Looking forward to spending the rest of my life with this gorgeous...

Surviving the Affair
During a late relaxing night with the family I received a phone call that seemed extremely urgent. The hysterical voice was filled with gloom and I immediately knew that a therapy session would be quickly required. After a series of questions, she disclosed catching...
Do you click as a couple?
Many people question whether they are in the right relationship. Often times it can be difficult to evaluate whether the relationship is worth salvaging or letting go. To determine whether this is a relationship to continue investing time, complete the quiz below....
Building Families – Being Present
It takes an effort to make sure that when it comes to our family, we try to be present in the present. Here are some ways we can turn our distance into closeness. Sometimes we are all consumed by the many tasks we have to take care of everyday. Work, home, kids,...