Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center Blog

Setting Boundaries with your Partner: Social Media Edition
When it comes to relationships, social media can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it can help you stay connected with your partner and create more opportunities to support one another in important ways....

How to Find a Spanish Speaking Therapist
In 2019, almost 20% of Americans received treatment or counseling for their mental health.While there are many different forms of counseling, online therapy is a way to get help any time, anywhere, making it...

Cómo Encontrar un Terapeuta que Hable Español
En 2019, casi el 20% de los estadounidenses recibieron tratamiento o asesoramiento para su salud mental.Aunque hay muchas formas diferentes de asesoramiento, la terapia online es una forma de obtener ayuda en...

Affair Recovery: How to Set Boundaries with Social Media in a Relationship
There are many benefits to social media. It connects us with others, allows us to share parts of our lives with friends and family, and is a great source for connecting with accounts and individuals that share your...

Marriage Counseling | Pros And Cons Of Online Marriage Counselling
If your marriage is in trouble, online marriage counseling might be the best possible solution. Here’s why…

Love & Intimacy: How to Forgive and Move Forward After an Affair
After an affair, you may begin to question many areas of your life. It’s not uncommon to feel extreme anger, sadness, jealously, and uncertainty. When a spouse cheats, it can cause an intense breakdown of trust that can result in a lot of damage. You may ask if the damage is worth it, if there is any healing after

Bilingual Marriage Counselor in Little Rock, Arkansas
Looking for a bilingual marriage counselor in Little Rock? The Arkansas Relationship Counseling Center can help!

How Relationship Counseling Can Benefit Even the Happiest of Couples
If a friend tells you they are seeing a couples therapist with their spouse, you may assume their relationship hit a rough patch. Marriage counseling is frequently seen as a last-ditch effort in crumbling marriages,...

Navigating the Holidays While Your Marriage is on the Rocks
Most of us greet the holidays with excitement. Even so, the season can be decked with stress and tension. Thanksgiving through New Years' is an ongoing bustle of planning, financial acrobatics, and lots and lots...

Open & Honest: Telling your Spouse the Truth after an Affair
An affair feels like the biggest breach of trust by the person you are supposed to love the most. Can a partnership ever recover from that kind of betrayal? How do you fix a relationship after cheating? Is it even possible to rebuild trust after an affair? Fixing your relationship and rebuilding trust is possible — but only with a lot of work and only if both of you are willing to put in the effort.